Returns / Exchanges
Return Policy
Not perfect for you? No worries, we will gladly accept unworn, unwashed merchandise purchased on for return. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return it within 21 days from your original purchase date. Please note that original shipping charges are not refundable. You are responsible for covering shipping costs to return. The return package must be delivered within 7 days of return approval or within 21 days of purchase, whichever is later.
Returns are processed within 3-5 business days after your items are received at our warehouse. We will credit your original form of payment. If you receive the wrong item or defective items, please contact us at within 5 days of the delivery date.
Return Condition
All return items must be unworn, unwashed, and have original tags attached. We will not accept the return if there is a sign of wear such as stains, makeup, and deodorant.
Items Not Eligible for Refund
All accessories including jewelry, bags, scarves, and beauty/cosmetics are not refundable.
Final sale items (Items in sale category) are non-refundable and cannot be returned for exchange or credits.
How to Return
1. Click on the Login sign on the top right corner on the desktop or click the menu bar on mobile and click the login sign on the very left top corner. Enter your email address associated with your order. You will get a 6 digit security code to login.
2. Once logged in, you will see your order history. Select the item you want to return, choose the reason for the return and click the "Request Return" button.
3. We will send you a Return Approval email with return shipping information.
4. Simply ship it back to us!
5. Once your return has been processed, we will send you a refund notification email.